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How CRM Can Help Resolve Disputes

All business owners can agree that a customer dispute is more than just a small nuisance. If neglected, it can literally bring a business down.

It makes sense. When was the last time you talked to other people how good a restaurant’s service and food was? Compare that to how many times you’ve complained about a restaurant’s bad service and food, and you’ll realize that from your experience alone, you’re more likely to tell other people about a negative experience than a positive one.

Not to mention that ill-handled customer complains can easily result into lawsuits that can further hurt your business.

Luckily, you’re not defenseless against customer disputes. A good CRM system can help you keep your customers satisfied and happy.

Here’s how CRM systems can help resolve disputes:

1. CRM Helps Organise Customer Information

Organization is key to any business. To find complaints, you need to find them first, and a good CRM software can help you keep track of your customers and prospects, from their inquiries and complaints on social media to their emails about how badly they were treated by staff members, as well as the occasional compliment and so on.

As a general rule of thumb, the sooner you respond to customer disputes, the less likely they’ll harbor bad feelings towards your business.

In addition to this, CRM software can help you schedule a face-to-face meeting with the complainant, allowing you to address the client’s needs yourself if necessary.

2. CRM Helps Centralise All Customer Data

It’s not always possible to address a customer’s complaint, which is why they may have to complain multiple times. But, asking a customer to contact a company multiple times for the same reason is akin to losing three more. That’s not something you should do if you want your business to survive and thrive.

The solution? Integrate CRM with customer service and track the data closely.

This way, you or your reps will know exactly what a particular customer is complaining about and it’s easier to circle back to that problem in case it wasn’t resolved the first time.

Remember, competent customer service is key to a satisfying customer experience, and the more information you have about your individual customers, the easier it is to address and solve their problems.

3. CRM Allows You To Engage Your Business in a More Meaningful Manner

The more data you have tracked, the easier it is to know what needs addressing and where.

CRM gives you a better idea on how to engage your business and know which customers have engaged with your business before. You can do a lot to improve your business when you’re armed with that kind of information. Not to mention that this kind of data allows you to take calculated risks and not suffer as much if it doesn’t pan out.

You’re never going to be able to satisfy every customer, but, with a paid or free CRM system, you have a better chance of resolving disputes and addressing issues well before they cause worse problems. For the best CRM software systems in Singapore, it’s always best to consult an expert.

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