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How You Can Use CRM in Your Marketing Strategy

In today’s digital age, many businesses have realised that they can attain significant growth in profitability by focusing and harnessing on one aspect of their businesses, CRM systems. A CRM software system is an effective tool for increasing your market share and growing your revenues without having to incur exorbitant costs in sales and marketing.

You can use your CRM system to laser focus your marketing arsenal, segment your market and personalise the content of your marketing.

It’s a sure way to beat the old strategy of spreading the word and hoping for the numbers. Here’s how you can use a CRM system to change your marketing strategy from hope to real numbers.

Enhance Your Focus on Targeting

Before CRM systems in Singapore were developed, market data was just an amorphous bunch of information, and it was hard to draw any inferences regarding client behaviour from the data. But a CRM system does things differently. It enables the entrepreneur to draw relevant information from the customer data and come up with smart deductions such as when the client is most likely to read their emails, when they are likely to buy and how much they are willing to spend.

It helps you make smart decisions and take informed actions knowing the customer’s preferences and thus you could swing their decision and enhance their satisfaction.

For instance, if you run a store near a suburban neighbourhood, a CRM can help you know how many mothers frequent your store, what they buy the most and when they buy it. If it is for instance baby products, you can time the promotional sales to coincide with when they are most likely to buy and spread the word through email at the most opportune time.

Segment the Market and Know the Trend

An online CRM system enables you to plan for your marketing activities with such precision over the intended outcome. It does this through market segmentation and establishing trends.

Markets are not just segmented regarding income levels, but also in terms of age, gender, locality, and several other nitty-gritty depending on what you desire to see and the features of the CRM system. Once you have segmented according to your criteria, you can establish trends and preferences and amend your marketing approach to meet the target.

Personalise the Content

We’ve already mentioned how a CRM system enables you to segment the market and focus your targeting. But more than that, it enables you to address clients as individuals.

No more “Dear Sir / Madam” or “Dear Customer.” A CRM enables you to address any correspondence to a client by their name. Also, by knowing the gender of the client, you can amend the content of your marketing material to suit the target audience. It also enables you to fashion your communication with the client and build a lasting bond.

The more personal an email or a message is, the more moving it is and the higher are your chances of converting.

These capabilities by both free and paid CRM systems are perfect for transforming your marketing strategy. But the best part of a CRM system is you can do it all over again and delight your customer.

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