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Why Your Sales Process is Missing the Mark and How to Fix it

Many small businesses in Singapore fail because of poor management. One such failure involves not maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of sales processes. They do not document their sales processes or work to improve it over time. Regardless of the industry, it is likely that your business will remain small if you do not fine-tune your sales process and adopt new technology. If you are eager to increase the productivity and returns of your sales process, ask yourself the questions below.

Have you defined your ideal buyer’s profile?

Many small businesses wish to be the jack of all trades, selling to everybody for the sake of getting quick profit. But this practice actually prevents SMEs from creating a reliable sales process. Different sales prospects require different sales strategies, and when you try to be all things to all people, your sales team may not know how to cope.

You can use a crm software to address these questions as you define your target buyer:

Do you have a documented description of your model buyer?
Have you defined some of the characteristics of your ideal buyer?
Have you identified some unique aspects of your buyers?
Are the unique aspects replicated across different buyers?

Are you efficiently researching on your prospects before reaching out?

As you identify leads in your sales process, the best CRM software can help you to start learning about the prospects to approach.
The best CRM software can help you narrow down and take a closer look at what brought them to your website. After that, you can examine the content that captivated their interests and develop an excellent “natural” starting point for future outreach.
You could also use the best CRM software to nurture cold leads as well as research these leads and place them in an automated email drip with individualised messages.

Can you identify best-fit leads efficiently?

So, you have defined your ideal buyer profile. Next, identify social groups and locations where people that match your buyers’ personality can be found. The best CRM software will help you find leads that fit your ideal buyer profile and maintain information on the most sales-ready leads in your CRM software.
Also, the best CRM software enables you to develop lists on who to call each day and queue them up to send at the most appropriate time to reach out.

Do you have effective reminders on follow-ups?

Where you have already reached out, the best CRM enables you to track which deals are on which stage of the sales process and the likelihood of closing the sale. Also, you do not have to keep looking through a mountain of notes to get your last communication. The best CRM software enables you to collate and retrieve information from previous conversations, emails and meetings.

Use the above questions and features in best CRM software to troubleshoot, document, review, and re-align your sales process into effectiveness.

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